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You are Europe!
Am Montag, 31. Juli 2023 ging es in der Sendung #004 um You are Europe!.
Mit dabei waren: Klaus Klipp, Eszter Nagy, Dirk van den Boom und Nana Walzer.
About Democracy and its Enemies - and the role of civil participation
🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists |
Europe Direct (Austria) |
Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at |
EU Social Media Channels |
How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will &
Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺
- Klaus Klipp
President Europa Union Frankfurt
Europa Union Frankfurt | Instagram - Eszter Nagy
- Economist, former diplomat, language teacher and civil activist at the Hungarian section of the Union of European Federalists
- Dirk van den Boom
Politologe, Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
SF-Boom - Dirk van den Boom speaking | Wikipedia | Bücher von Dirk van den Boom bei Amazon | Bluesky - Nana Walzer
Österreichische Autorin, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Publizistin und Radiomoderatorin
Walzer COM | Instagram | Facebook
Der Chat ist die letzte Reihe im Klassenzimmer, wo der Flauschhaufen schwätzt und spickt. Und Zettelchen durchreicht.
Marker im Stream
- 00:00:47
Welcome to episode 004
- 00:02:17
Democracy needs everyone to act.
- 00:05:47
Is a democracy a democracy if nobody participates?
- 00:10:32
Flaws of democracy
- 00:13:05
Alternative political systems to democracy?
- 00:14:43
Welcome to Klaus Klipp.
- 00:18:18
How have individuals changed the history of europe
- 00:19:15
Can a single person make a difference in politics?
- 00:21:22
Individuals that changed the history of european union
- 00:23:55
How did the uef help form the european movement
- 00:31:45
How to vote in the EU Elektion
- 00:33:18
How to motivate and activate people for the EU
- 00:37:00
The power and fun of diversity
- 00:39:49
Last question to Klaus
- 00:43:15
Thank you Klaus Klipp
- 00:44:42
Our next Guest, please welcome: Eszter Nagy
- 00:46:50
What is the situation in Hungary
- 00:49:53
The crucial Problem of a 2/3 majority
- 00:52:44
Do we need bigger structures to step in
- 00:58:06
It is not easy for Hungary Europeans
- 01:01:25
Thank you Eszter Nagy
- 01:04:21
It is all about money
- 01:06:53
Dirks main messages
- 01:08:20
Every little thing helpes
- 01:08:55
The End for today. See you Friday