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The Future of Europe!
Am Freitag, 4. August 2023 ging es in der Sendung #005 um The Future of Europe!.
Mit dabei waren: Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Rainer Wieland, Dirk van den Boom und Nana Walzer.
🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists |
Europe Direct (Austria) |
Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at |
EU Social Media Channels |
How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will &
Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺
Die Expert*innenrunde
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa
MEP, UEF Vice-President
Domènec Ruiz Devesa, MEP on europa.eu | Facebook | Linktree - Rainer Wieland
Vice-President European Parliament, President Europa Union Deutschland
Rainer Wieland MdEP | Instagram | Facebook | Linktree - Dirk van den Boom
Politologe, Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
SF-Boom - Dirk van den Boom speaking | Wikipedia | Bücher von Dirk van den Boom bei Amazon | Bluesky - Nana Walzer
Österreichische Autorin, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Publizistin und Radiomoderatorin
Walzer COM | Instagram | Facebook
Im Chat sind auch Zeugen Kühlwaldis und der Flauschhaufen zu finden.
Hinweise zum Stream
You can find more about Rainer Wieland, Vice-President European Parliament | President Europa Union Deutschland, over here:
Facebook |
Rainer Wieland MdEP |
Rainer WIELAND on europa.eu
You can find more about Domènec Ruiz Devesa, MEP - UEF Vice-President, over here:
Twitter |
Domènec RUIZ DEVESA on europa.eu |
LinkedIn |
Marker im Stream
- 00:00:36
Welcome to Episode 005 of MoreEuropeNow
- 00:05:42
What future do yo see coming for europe short term and midterm
- 00:08:23
What are your biggest wishes for europe?
- 00:10:28
Considered the PAst, present and future of europe, what book would you write about europe?
- 00:15:12
Wishes for europe by the chat.
- 00:20:31
What is your response to Pope Francis wish for more unison and inclusion in europe
- 00:21:13
Welcome to Rainer Wieland -
- 00:21:46
Were are the biggest developements of the past decades
- 00:24:22
In June Elections of the European Parliaments are upcoming. What is the role of the Parliament and what could improve?
- 00:28:32
How do you see the european democracy of the future?
- 00:29:31
Welcome to the chat.
- 00:32:47
What is your personal vision of a future europe?
- 00:41:45
Summary of last years conference about the future of european union
- 00:45:08
About the time gap between a decision and the implementation in europe
- 00:49:01
!marker Welcome to Domenec Ruiz Devesa
- 00:53:31
About european infrastructure and public transport
- 00:55:48
What role plays europe in saving the world?
- 00:57:49
What about a european public broadcast / television?
- 01:00:34
About the european treaties.
- 01:03:29
Use Your Voice and go VOTING