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Crisis, what crisis?
Am Freitag, 28. Juli 2023 ging es in der Sendung #003 um Crisis, what crisis?.
Mit dabei waren: Michael Bloss, Bernhard Zlanabitnig, Dirk van den Boom und Nana Walzer.

🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists |
Europe Direct (Austria) |
Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at |
EU Social Media Channels |
How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will &
Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺
Die Expert*innenrunde
- Michael Bloss
Member of Eurpean Parliament
Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube - Bernhard Zlanabitnig
Bernhard is Director of the EU-Umweltbüro in Vienna, a green NGO, as well as Vice-President of the European Environmental Bureau/EEB, Europe’s largest environment umbrella organization based in Brussels.
Europen Environmental Bureau - Dirk van den Boom
Politologe, Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
SF-Boom - Dirk van den Boom speaking | Wikipedia | Bücher von Dirk van den Boom bei Amazon | Bluesky - Nana Walzer
Österreichische Autorin, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Publizistin und Radiomoderatorin
Walzer COM | Instagram | Facebook
Im Chat sind auch Zeugen Kühlwaldis und der Flauschhaufen zu finden.
Hinweise zum Stream
You can find more information about Michael Bloss, MEP - Group of the Greens, over here:
Michael Bloss, MEP |
Twitter |
Facebook |
Instagram |
You can find more information about Bernhard Zlanabitnig, Director of the EU-Umweltbüro, over here:
Twitter |
EU Umweltbüro
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Dirk van den Boom:
Website |
Wikipedia |
Amazon |
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Nana Walzer:
Website |
Twitter |
Instagram |
Facebook |
Marker im Stream
- 00:00:45
Good evening and hello
- 00:06:18
What we are doing, what we are facing.
- 00:07:42
What is the most dooming threat?
- 00:09:44
Idea Nr. 1
- 00:13:29
Idea no. 2 planes with electrical engines
- 00:14:42
Idea no. 3 silver injections of clouds
- 00:16:11
Welcome to Michael Bloss
- 00:18:59
Most of the technology needed to prevent climate apocalypse already exists.
- 00:20:10
Work on eurpoean public transport
- 00:22:24
What we did achieve in the last few years - politics can change things if done right
- 00:26:29
How big is the impact of the civil society?
- 00:28:54
Who are the big poluters. and who benefits the most?
- 00:29:52
How do you see the disturbances by putting the green deal into action? who is blocking it?
- 00:36:28
About the eurpoean recovery plan
- 00:41:11
About a cooperation with the african union
- 00:43:39
Welcome to Bernhard Zlanabitnig
- 00:47:03
Climate change isn´t the only problem
- 00:50:29
How green/recycable is green energy? and what about bio diversity?
- 00:56:12
Can europe alone change the worlds fate? - about the green deal
- 00:59:58
How much can every single one of us do to stop climate change?
- 01:04:02
About shrinking space
- 01:08:01
Use your voice and vote!
- 01:08:36
What about european taxes?
- 01:10:33
About european actions regarding space
- 01:13:09
Thanks for watching, next episode on monday, 31st of July.