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Crisis, what crisis?

Am Freitag, 28. Juli 2023 ging es in der Sendung #003 um Crisis, what crisis?.
Mit dabei waren: Michael Bloss, Bernhard Zlanabitnig, Dirk van den Boom und Nana Walzer.

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Sendung zum Thema: Crisis, what crisis?
Das Bild stammt von Dirk van den Boom

🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists | Europe Direct (Austria) | Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at | EU Social Media Channels | How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will & Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺

Die Expert*innenrunde

Michael Bloss
Member of Eurpean Parliament
Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Bernhard Zlanabitnig
Bernhard is Director of the EU-Umweltbüro in Vienna, a green NGO, as well as Vice-President of the European Environmental Bureau/EEB, Europe’s largest environment umbrella organization based in Brussels.
Europen Environmental Bureau
Dirk van den Boom
Politologe, Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
SF-Boom - Dirk van den Boom speaking | Wikipedia | Bücher von Dirk van den Boom bei Amazon | Bluesky
Nana Walzer
Österreichische Autorin, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Publizistin und Radiomoderatorin
Walzer COM | Instagram | Facebook

Im Chat sind auch Zeugen Kühlwaldis und der Flauschhaufen zu finden.

Hinweise zum Stream

You can find more information about Michael Bloss, MEP - Group of the Greens, over here:
Michael Bloss, MEP | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

You can find more information about Bernhard Zlanabitnig, Director of the EU-Umweltbüro, over here:
Twitter | EU Umweltbüro

Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Dirk van den Boom:
Website | Wikipedia | Amazon | Twitter

Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Nana Walzer:
Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Shop

Marker im Stream

Good evening and hello
What we are doing, what we are facing.
What is the most dooming threat?
Idea Nr. 1
Idea no. 2 planes with electrical engines
Idea no. 3 silver injections of clouds
Welcome to Michael Bloss
Most of the technology needed to prevent climate apocalypse already exists.
Work on eurpoean public transport
What we did achieve in the last few years - politics can change things if done right
How big is the impact of the civil society?
Who are the big poluters. and who benefits the most?
How do you see the disturbances by putting the green deal into action? who is blocking it?
About the eurpoean recovery plan
About a cooperation with the african union
Welcome to Bernhard Zlanabitnig
Climate change isn´t the only problem
How green/recycable is green energy? and what about bio diversity?
Can europe alone change the worlds fate? - about the green deal
How much can every single one of us do to stop climate change?
About shrinking space
Use your voice and vote!
What about european taxes?
About european actions regarding space
Thanks for watching, next episode on monday, 31st of July.