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Review of the NATO Summit in Vilnius
Am Freitag, 14. Juli 2023 ging es in der Sendung #001 um Review of the NATO Summit in Vilnius.
Mit dabei waren: Petras Auštrevičius, Dirk van den Boom und Nana Walzer.

🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists |
Europe Direct (Austria) |
Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at |
EU Social Media Channels |
How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will &
Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺
Die Expert*innenrunde
- Petras Auštrevičius
Member of Eurpean Parliament
Website | YouTube - Dirk van den Boom
Politologe, Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
SF-Boom - Dirk van den Boom speaking | Wikipedia | Bücher von Dirk van den Boom bei Amazon | Bluesky - Nana Walzer
Österreichische Autorin, Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin, Publizistin und Radiomoderatorin
Walzer COM | Instagram | Facebook
Im Chat sind auch Zeugen Kühlwaldis und der Flauschhaufen zu finden.
Hinweise zum Stream
🇪🇺 Today's stream is produced in collaboration with:
European Federalists |
Europe Direct (Austria) |
Young European Federalists jef.at / jef.at |
EU Social Media Channels |
How the European Parliament aims to protect online gamers: Fünf Wege, wie das Europäische Parlament Online-Spieler schützen will &
Schutz der Spieler und Förderung des Wachstums in der Videospielbranche 🇪🇺
You can find more about Petras Auštrevičius, Member of Eurpean Parliament, over here:
Website |
Twitter |
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Dirk van den Boom:
Website |
Wikipedia |
Amazon |
Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Links zu Nana Walzer:
Website |
Twitter |
Instagram |
Facebook |
Marker im Stream
- 00:00:57
Welcome to MoreEuropeNow
- 00:03:56
Welcome to Dirk van den Boom
- 00:05:26
Why is europe important?
- 00:06:56
About Safety in Europe
- 00:09:05
What are the biggest threats right now?
- 00:10:20
Why working together is better
- 00:11:00
About the NATO
- 00:12:19
Why is the Ukraine not part of NATO yet and should the Ukraine join?
- 00:13:42
About the membership action plan
- 00:15:03
Rules and Regulation to join
- 00:16:51
About the Role of neibouring Countries to Membership in EU and NATO
- 00:19:17
What was discussed at the NATO Summmit concerning Ukraine?
- 00:21:02
About Swedens NATO Membership.
- 00:22:20
Welcome to Petras Auštrevičius
- 00:26:43
EU is a Soft Power, NATO is a hard Power
- 00:28:11
Main Issue in Vilnius was Ukraine.
- 00:30:27
The Role of NATO to Russias Aggression
- 00:33:51
Is it correct, that Ukraine can´t join the NATO because it is an active war?
- 00:38:49
Is Enlargement Policy a kind of Security Strategy?
- 00:43:42
Security Measures of the EU
- 00:47:51
About the European secrity architecture
- 00:51:18
What actually happens if a member of the EU is attacked?
- 00:53:34
Are the "softer" measures enough?
- 00:55:24
About the EU members outside of NATO
- 00:56:41
About Moldova and Ukraine
- 00:58:47
Do Ethics win in the end? Did we outsource the european ethics to NATO?